Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Things I Learned in 24 hours of Motherhood

1. There is nothing like being a mom.

2. Breastfeeding isn't as easy as it looks... 
{But we've made great progress - hurray!}

3. Nothing is as soft as Madeline's cheeks.

4. The little coos and sighs she makes melt my heart.

5. There's a strange yet unavoidable anxiety that comes along with Motherhood.  You'd think I'd be fine letting her go to the nursery just while I showered, but no.  I was freaking out the whole time.

 6. Somehow even her poop is cute
{Remember I said it's only been 24 hrs... I realize that this will wear off probably pretty soon}

7. Watching Jeremy become a Dad is almost as good as becoming a Mom.
 I have a newfound love for him I didn't even know existed.

8. It's amazing how entertaining it can be to just sit and look at your peaceful sleeping child.
I could do it for hours -- ok maybe I do do it for hours...

9. Snuggly babies are the BEST!

10. I'm slowly learning to appreciate even more a Heavenly Father who loves me more than I love Madeline and His desire for me to fulfill my potential and return to live with Him someday.
I can't imagine a life with out a knowledge of the Plan of Salvation.  And I have a new found sense of gratitude for the Atonement that makes the whole plan possible.

{Madeline just a few hours old in the hospital}

1 comment:

  1. awww so sweet! This melts my heart :o) You say it so well! I wish I could have said it that well when I was writing my first motherhood post, or even reflecting on my first days as mom.

    You're identity is changed; you will always be mom now, forever! Isn't it great!? :o)


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