Friday, September 23, 2011

Happy Birthday Peter

Today is my little brother's 16th birthday - only he's not so little anymore.
Peter is a smart, giving, genuine, talented, handsome, amazing kid!
He gets straight A's {in all of his classes - some of which are pretty advanced}, plays the piano and drums {exceptionally well}, and just excels in everything he picks up!
{The man is a stud}
Is 16 a man? Guess it depends on the kid huh

And just for fun here are some pictures of my brother Peetah!

 Letting me practice cutting hair - nobody else would...

Outside the MTC 

The veil stayed on him better than me..... 

Spikey hair ha 


Wish I had some cute pictures of when he was little and he the cutest chubbiest little cheeks! 
But I don't... so you get that!


Love, Sarah

1 comment:

  1. I REMEMBER his cute chubby blushed cheeks! Such a cute round face! Of course, all you Fullmers have adorable cheeks and faces :o)


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