Saturday, December 3, 2011

You know you're a mom when...

You don't mind getting out of bed in the
 middle of the night to feed a crying baby.
Dirty diapers aren't such a chore because it means
 your little girl doesn't have to sit in her own mess.
Being spit up on and thrown up on for some 
weird reason doesn't bother you because you're
 more concerned that this little angle of yours is ok.  
I could probably benefit from a shower, 
but holding this sleeping baby and making sure
 she's alright is more important.
Growing up all of these things sounded so horrible - 
but now that I'm the mom I could care less about the stink, 
the work, and the tears because I love her so much.  

And I would do anything for her.


  1. The pictures of her are just precious!!!

  2. Love this! You are a fabulous writer! I really enjoy all of your posts.

  3. couldn't agree more! You are awesome :o)

    And I love the pictures too!

    I can't wait to see that nursery you've been working on! I didn't finish Nathan's till he was a couple months old, and the good news is, they don't care if it's finished or not! :o)

  4. you have such a beautiful heart for your baby. i love your perspective on life as a mama.



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