Thursday, May 24, 2012

rise and shout the cougar is out!

 out of Utah that is....

April 20, 2012 Jeremy graduated from BYU!

And it's official {we got the diploma in the mail last week}.  It was kind of a sigh of relief because mr. smarty pants decided to be lazy during finals week and turn in a paper for his final project that he actually wrote last semester.  Same professor and everything.  The professor didn't think it was very funny, but Jeremy passed phew and so it's official.  We're off to dental school! 

hip hip hurray!  

 looking so fancy fine in his graduation attire

Both of our parents were able to make it and we're just so glad they could!
Jeremy's sister, Rachel, and brother-in-law, Miles, and their youngest daughter Katelyn also drove a whole two hours (I think) one way to see Jeremy walk across the stage.  It was really great seeing them.

Us with our AMAZING parents.  The next day they helped packed up our apartment and loaded up our stuff and did it all with out complaining.  We couldn't have done it with out them!

 I love our little family!

These two are just the GREATEST!!!

 classic graduation kiss

It was such a wonderful couple of days celebrating Jeremy and all of his hard work.  It still seems weird to me that we're done with our time at BYU.  I must admit that I had a hard time fighting back tears as I watched him file in with all the other graduates.  Tears because I'm so proud of him and all he's doing.  Tears because this part of our life is over.  And a few selfish tears because I was feeling sorry for myself that I wouldn't get to graduate from this wonderful University, too.  

Big news though.  Everyone is always asking me what I plan to do about school.  And the truth is I REALLY want to graduate.  My plan had been to transfer to another school (maybe) or take online classes til I finished but I just didn't know and I figured I'd figure it out after we got settled in Maryland.  The other morning, however, I woke up and just felt like I really wanted and could get a bachelor's of general studies with an emphasis in family life  through BYU Independent Study taking online classes. That is what I almost majored in before photography so I have a lot of the classes done.  I won't be able to apply for the program for two years, but I can take online classes during those two years and finish up my generals.  I'm really really excited about this.  And the best news is I can go to Provo and walk with a graduating class! How awesome is that?!  So here's to the next few years of being a mom and a part-time student!

And it's official my friends: I'm back from the dead.  You know you're lazy when you can't even get yourself to type!  I was so sick all last week, like really nasty cold and *shudder* not fun.  But I think I'm really back this time.  Thanks for sticking around!  

1 comment:

  1. Yay!!!! Congratulations, graduate!!

    And congrats to YOU for having the drive to finish. That drive is one of the biggest tender mercies I've ever been blessed with. Before I got pregnant with Nathan I wanted any excuse to quit school. I have always struggled and shed blood, sweat, and tears just for C's. Anyway, as soon as I got pregnant I had this huge DRIVE to get a degree! And Child Development has already changed SOOO much of what we do with our little man. Even if I don't work outside the home, I want to have a handle on how to raise my little ones, and this gives it to me. GO Independent Study!

    So are you in Maryland or are you staying the summer in Spokane? When does Jeremy start? Those family pictures are just DARLING. And the one where miss M is just smiling away and looking at the camera!? How on EARTH did you get that to happen!?

    I'm sorry you were sick but I'm so glad you're better now!


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