Thursday, May 15, 2014

garden update

^^see that tiny green speck? That's our first little sprout of rosemary! 
I think I'm most excited about the rosemary plant. mmm....^^
Our little garden is growing! It seriously makes me so happy. I can't believe how well it's doing. We aren't exactly green thumb people, but I'd like to be someday. And this is giving me hope. If you remember last month we planted some cilantro and basil. They were doing so well that when we bought pots for transplanting them we got some other seeds as well. 

We now have cilantro, basil, oregano, rosemary and chives. On Sunday I put some green onion bulbs(? is that the right term? I'm telling ya I know nothing about this gardening stuff.) anyway, put them in some water because I'd seen on pinterest they continue to grow in just water. Well Jeremy thought I was crazy so he made me plant one in dirt too, and booya, my water ones are growing faster :) 

We also have three plants outside thanks to a friend in the ward. She gave us a thyme, sage and tomato plants which are also doing well. Jeremy and I have been talking a lot about what we see in a garden someday. You know, the kind you put in your yard not in pots. I'd love to have a greenhouse with lots of flowers, but I suppose... the food plants are the ones we'll tackle first. That's all a long ways away, though. So for now we're enjoying our happy little garden windowsill. 

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